The Two Ministries And Commissions Jointly Issued 21 Articles To Promote The High-Quality Development Of New Energy In The New Era!

On May 30, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration issued the "Implementation Plan for Promoting the High-Quality Development of New Energy in the New Era", setting the goal of my country's total installed capacity of wind power and solar power reaching more than 1.2 billion kilowatts by 2030. A low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system, and specially proposed, Incorporate the spatial information of new energy projects into the "one map" of the national land space planning according to regulations.

The "Implementation Plan" proposes 21 specific policy measures in 7 aspects. Documentation is clear:

Promote the application of new energy in industry and construction. In qualified industrial enterprises and industrial parks, accelerate the development of new energy projects such as distributed photovoltaics and decentralized wind power, support the construction of industrial green microgrids and integrated source-grid-load-storage projects, and promote multi-energy complementary and efficient utilization. Carry out pilot projects for direct power supply of new energy power, and increase the proportion of new energy power for terminal energy use.
Promote the deep integration of solar energy and architecture. Improve the photovoltaic building integration application technology system, and expand the photovoltaic power generation consumer group.
By 2025, the roof photovoltaic coverage rate of new buildings in public institutions will strive to reach 50%; existing buildings of public institutions are encouraged to install photovoltaic or solar thermal utilization facilities.

Improve the land control rules for new energy projects. Establish a synergistic mechanism for relevant units such as natural resources, ecological environment, and energy authorities. On the basis of meeting the requirements of national land space planning and use control, make full use of deserts, Gobi, deserts and other unused land to build a large-scale wind and photovoltaic base. Incorporate the spatial information of new energy projects into the “one map” of the national land space planning, strictly implement the ecological environment zoning management and control requirements, and make overall arrangements for the use of forest and grass for the construction of large-scale wind and photovoltaic bases. Local governments shall levy land use taxes and fees in strict accordance with the law, and shall not levy fees exceeding the legal provisions.

Improve the utilization efficiency of land and space resources. New energy projects must strictly implement land use standards, and must not break through standard control, encourage the promotion and application of land-saving technologies and models, and the degree of land conservation and intensification must reach the advanced level of the same industry in China. Optimize and adjust the layout of near-shore wind farms to encourage the development of deep-sea wind power projects; standardize the installation of landing cable tunnels to minimize the occupation and impact on the shoreline. Encourage the integrated development of "scenery and fishing", and effectively improve the utilization efficiency of sea area resources for wind power and photovoltaic power generation projects.

The original text is as follows:

Implementation plan for promoting the high-quality development of new energy in the new era

National Development and Reform Commission National Energy Administration


In recent years, my country's new energy development represented by wind power and photovoltaic power generation has achieved remarkable results. The installed capacity ranks first in the world, the proportion of power generation has steadily increased, and the cost has dropped rapidly. It has basically entered a new stage of parity and subsidy development. At the same time, the development and utilization of new energy still has constraints such as insufficient adaptability of the power system to the grid connection and consumption of large-scale and high proportion of new energy, and obvious constraints on land resources. To achieve the goal of reaching a total installed capacity of wind power and solar power of more than 1.2 billion kilowatts by 2030, and to accelerate the construction of a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system, we must adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, complete, accurate, and Fully implement the new development concept, coordinate development and safety, adhere to the principle of establishing first and then breaking down, and make overall plans, better play the role of new energy in ensuring energy supply and increasing supply, and help to achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. In accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the following implementation plans are hereby formulated to promote the high-quality development of new energy in the new era.

I. Innovative new energy development and utilization mode

(1) Accelerate the construction of large-scale wind power photovoltaic bases focusing on deserts, Gobi and desert areas. Step up efforts to plan and construct a new energy supply and consumption system based on large-scale wind and photovoltaic bases, supported by clean, efficient, advanced and energy-saving coal-fired power around it, and with stable, safe and reliable UHV transmission and transformation lines as the carrier. , planning site selection, environmental protection and other aspects to strengthen coordination and guidance, and improve the efficiency of examination and approval. In accordance with the requirements of promoting the optimal combination of coal and new energy, coal power enterprises are encouraged to carry out substantial joint ventures with new energy enterprises.

(2) Promote the integrated development of new energy development and utilization and rural revitalization. Encourage local governments to intensify efforts to support farmers to use their own building roofs to build household photovoltaics, and actively promote the development of rural decentralized wind power. Coordinate the rural energy revolution and rural collective economic development, cultivate new market players such as rural energy cooperatives, and encourage village collectives to use stock collective land in accordance with the law to participate in the development of new energy projects through mechanisms such as valuation and shareholding. Encourage financial institutions to provide innovative products and services for farmers to invest in new energy projects.

(3) Promote the application of new energy in industry and construction. In qualified industrial enterprises and industrial parks, accelerate the development of new energy projects such as distributed photovoltaics and decentralized wind power, support the construction of industrial green microgrids and integrated source-grid-load-storage projects, promote multi-energy complementary and efficient utilization, and develop new energy power Pilot direct power supply to increase the proportion of new energy power for end-use energy. Promote the deep integration of solar energy and architecture. Improve the photovoltaic building integration application technology system, and expand the photovoltaic power generation consumer group. By 2025, the roof photovoltaic coverage rate of new buildings in public institutions will strive to reach 50%; existing buildings of public institutions are encouraged to install photovoltaic or solar thermal utilization facilities.

(4) Guide the whole society to consume green power such as new energy. Carry out green power trading pilots, promote green power to take priority in trading organization, grid scheduling, price formation mechanism, etc., and provide market entities with functional, friendly and easy-to-use green power trading services. Establish and improve the new energy green consumption certification, labeling system and publicity system. Improve the green power certificate system, promote green power certificate trading, and strengthen the effective connection with the carbon emission rights trading market. Increase certification and acceptance, and guide enterprises to use green power such as new energy to manufacture products and provide services. Encourage all kinds of users to buy products made of green electricity such as new energy.

2. Accelerate the construction of a new power system that adapts to the gradual increase in the proportion of new energy

(5) Comprehensively improve the power system regulation ability and flexibility. Give full play to the role of grid companies as platforms and hubs in building a new power system, and support and guide grid companies to actively access and consume new energy. Improve the power compensation mechanism for peak regulation and frequency regulation, increase the flexibility of coal-fired power units, hydropower expansion, pumped storage and solar thermal power generation projects, and promote the rapid development of new energy storage. Research on energy storage cost recovery mechanism. Encourage the use of solar thermal power generation as a peak-shaving power supply in areas with good light conditions such as the west. Deeply tap the demand response potential and improve the load side's ability to regulate new energy.

(6) Efforts should be made to improve the ability of the distribution network to accept distributed new energy. Develop distributed smart grids, promote grid companies to strengthen research on planning, design, and operation methods of active distribution networks (active distribution networks), increase investment in construction and transformation, improve the level of intelligence in distribution networks, and focus on improving distribution network connectivity. The ability to enter distributed new energy. Reasonably determine the proportional requirements for the distribution network to access distributed new energy. Explore and carry out demonstrations of DC distribution network projects adapted to distributed new energy access.

(7) Steadily promote the participation of new energy in electricity market transactions. Support new energy projects to conduct direct transactions with users, encourage the signing of long-term electricity purchase and sale agreements, and power grid companies should take effective measures to ensure the implementation of the agreement. For new energy projects for which the state has a clear price policy, power grid companies should strictly implement the full guaranteed purchase policy in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and electricity beyond a reasonable number of hours throughout the life cycle can participate in electricity market transactions. In the pilot areas of the electricity spot market, encourage new energy projects to participate in electricity market transactions in the form of contracts for difference.

(8) Improve the responsibility weight system for renewable energy power consumption. Scientifically and rationally set the weights of mid- and long-term renewable energy power consumption in all provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government), and do a good job in the connection between the renewable energy power consumption responsibility weight system and the exclusion of newly added renewable energy from total energy consumption control. Establish and improve the renewable energy power consumption responsibility evaluation index system and reward and punishment mechanism.

Third, deepen the reform of "delegating power, delegating power, regulating services" in the field of new energy

(9) Continue to improve the efficiency of project approval. Improve the investment approval (recording) system for new energy projects, and strengthen the supervision of the whole chain and all fields before and after the event. Relying on the national online approval and supervision platform for investment projects, establish a green channel for centralized approval of new energy projects, formulate a negative list for project access and a list of corporate commitments, promote the implementation of the corporate investment project commitment system, and shall not increase the unreasonable investment of new energy companies in any name cost. Promote the adjustment of wind power projects from the approval system to the filing system. Comprehensive energy projects such as multi-energy complementation, source network load storage, and microgrid with new energy as the main body can go through the approval (recording) procedures as a whole.

(10) Optimize the grid connection process of new energy projects. Local energy authorities and power grid enterprises should optimize power grid planning and construction plans and investment plans in a timely manner in light of the development needs of new energy projects. Promote power grid enterprises to establish a one-stop service platform for new energy projects to connect to the network, provide information such as available access points, accessible capacity, technical specifications, etc. time. In principle, the grid connection and transmission projects should be invested and constructed by power grid enterprises. The grid enterprises should improve and perfect the internal approval process, rationally arrange the construction sequence, and ensure that the transmission project matches the progress of the power supply construction; the new energy grid connection and transmission projects constructed by the power generation enterprises , power grid companies can repurchase in accordance with the law and regulations after both parties negotiate and agree.

(11) Improve the public service system related to new energy. Carry out the exploration and evaluation of new energy resources nationwide, establish a database of exploitable resources, and form detailed inspection and evaluation results and maps of various new energy resources in administrative regions above the county level and release them to the public. Establish a wind measurement tower and a wind measurement data sharing mechanism. Improve the comprehensive service system for disaster prevention and mitigation in the new energy industry. Accelerate the construction of public service systems such as new energy equipment standards and testing and certification, and support the construction of a national new energy equipment quality announcement platform and a public testing platform for key products.

Fourth, support and guide the healthy and orderly development of the new energy industry

(12) Promote technological innovation and industrial upgrading. Establish an integrated platform for production, education and research, build a national-level new energy laboratory and R&D platform, increase investment in basic theoretical research, and advance the deployment of cutting-edge technologies and disruptive technologies. Implement mechanisms such as "revelation and leadership" and "horse racing", and encourage enterprises, scientific research institutes, and universities to carry out systematic research on issues such as the safety, stability and reliability of power systems where the proportion of new energy sources is gradually increasing, and propose solutions. Increase support for industrial intelligent manufacturing and digital upgrading. Compile and implement an action plan for the development of the smart photovoltaic industry, and improve the level of intelligence and informatization in the entire product cycle. Promote breakthroughs in key technologies such as high-efficiency solar cells and advanced wind power equipment, and accelerate technological upgrading of key basic materials, equipment, and components. Promote the development of decommissioned wind turbines, photovoltaic module recycling technology and related new industrial chains, and achieve closed-loop green development throughout the life cycle.

(13) Ensure the security of the industrial chain and supply chain. Issue guidelines to promote the development of the energy electronics industry, and accelerate the integration and innovation of electronic information technology and the new energy industry. Promote the strengthening of the chain to complement the chain, and implement scientific overall management of the upstream and downstream of the supply chain in accordance with the division of labor in the new energy industry chain. Increase the transparency of information on expansion projects, enhance the ability of equipment and material companies to respond to changes in industrial supply and demand, prevent and control abnormal price fluctuations, and enhance the resilience of the supply chain of the new energy industry chain. Guide local governments to make plans for the new energy industry and implement the standard conditions for the photovoltaic industry. Optimize the intellectual property protection environment of the new energy industry, and increase the punishment for infringement. Standardize the development order of the new energy industry, curb the blind development of low-level projects, promptly correct practices that violate fair competition, get rid of local protectionism, and optimize the market environment and approval process for mergers and acquisitions of new energy companies.

(14) Improve the internationalization level of the new energy industry. Strengthen international cooperation on intellectual property rights in the new energy industry, promote measurement, testing and experimental research capabilities to reach the world's advanced level, and actively participate in international standards and conformity assessment procedures in the fields of wind power, photovoltaics, ocean energy, hydrogen energy, energy storage, smart energy, and electric vehicles To improve the level of mutual recognition of measurement and conformity assessment results, and to enhance the international recognition and influence of my country's standards and testing and certification bodies.

5. Guarantee reasonable space demand for new energy development

(15) Improve the land control rules for new energy projects. Establish a coordination mechanism for relevant units such as natural resources, ecological environment, and energy authorities. On the basis of meeting the requirements of national land space planning and use control, make full use of deserts, Gobi, deserts and other unused land to build a large-scale wind and photovoltaic base. Incorporate the spatial information of new energy projects into the “one map” of the national land space planning, strictly implement the ecological environment zoning management and control requirements, and make overall arrangements for the use of forest and grass for the construction of large-scale wind and photovoltaic bases. Local governments shall levy land use taxes and fees in strict accordance with the law, and shall not levy fees exceeding the legal provisions.

(16) Improve the utilization efficiency of land and space resources. Newly built new energy projects must strictly implement land use standards, and must not break through standard control, encourage the promotion and application of land-saving technologies and models, and the degree of conservation and intensification of land use must reach the advanced level of the same industry in China. Optimize and adjust the layout of near-shore wind farms to encourage the development of deep-sea wind power projects; standardize the installation of landing cable tunnels to minimize the occupation and impact on the shoreline. Encourage the integrated development of "scenery and fishing", and effectively improve the utilization efficiency of sea area resources for wind power and photovoltaic power generation projects.

Six. Give full play to the ecological and environmental protection benefits of new energy

(17) Vigorously promote ecological restoration of new energy projects. Adhere to ecological priority, scientifically evaluate the ecological and environmental impacts and benefits of new energy projects, and research

Post time: May-06-2023